
English for Kids – Advanced level


Advanced classes for children to learn more complex English language skills.  These classes are designed for more fluent English speakers […]



Advanced classes for children to learn more complex English language skills. 

These classes are designed for more fluent English speakers to work at a level akin to the UK National Curriculum Key Stage 2 in Literacy (English).

To access this course, students need to be confident speakers of English and have the ability to write accurately in Western European script.

They should also have an understanding of how to punctuate their writing in their own language.

Pupils in this group must be able to access a word-processing package eg. MS Word or Mac Pages and be able to share their writing on the screen.

Course Content:

  • Reading and Understanding: the course will progress with a range of comprehension activities, using online texts and resources, and develop their ability to answer questions using deduction and inference. 
  • Speaking and Listening: pupils will be given the opportunity to read aloud and develop appropriate intonation and expression. They will be asked to explain, instruct and retell fiction, non-fiction, and poetry.
  • Writing: (technical): pupils will learn: 
    • correct grammatical structures
    • interesting and ambitious words
    • to develop their ideas logically with increasing complexity
    • a wide range of conjunctions
    • to use pronouns correctly and to avoid word repetition
    • to use adverbs and adjectives for description
    • to spell regular and irregular words
    • to develop characters, describe settings, feelings, emotions
    • to link and relate events to each other/ time and cause
    • Increasingly sophisticated sentence structures
    • to use tenses accurately
    • to use both standard and non-standard English
    • to vary sentence length and word order
    • To use a range of literary features (eg simile, metaphor, onomatopoeia) 
    • Modal verbs
    • Passive voice


  • Writing: Creative: Pupils will develop their ability to write in different genres.
      • They will have the opportunity to write:
      • Recounts – fiction and not fiction
      • Diary entries
      • Persuasive adverts/letters
      • Poetry
      • Instructions
      • Explanations
      • 2 live sessions/week (1 hr each session)
      • 15/hr