Course Category: Primary

Showing 1-8 of 8 results

Python for Kids ( age 8-12 years)

 This live online class is designed for students who have no previous experience with Python or coding but the enthusiasm to learn programming. During this class, students will learn: what Python is? why it is a valuable skill to learn Python? some basic concepts of programming work in Peers on…

KS1-KS2 Math

This course is designed for primary children to learn Numbers   Times tables from 2- 12 Number and Place value  Four operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division)using different methods including solving word problems related to these operations. Fractions Geometry Recognized 2D& 3D shapes ( Circle, Triangle, Rectangle, Square, Pentagon, Hexagon,…

English for Kids – Intermediate level

Classes for children to learn more complex English language skills. (35 hours)   Approximately equivalent to National Curriculum UK English  Key Stage 1 The course will provide opportunities for children to develop: accurate pronunciation – aiming for an ‘English’ accent. comprehension through a range of reading materials and specifically designed…

English for Kids – Advanced level

Advanced classes for children to learn more complex English language skills.  These classes are designed for more fluent English speakers to work at a level akin to the UK National Curriculum Key Stage 2 in Literacy (English). To access this course, students need to be confident speakers of English and…

Limba engleza clasele I-VIII si examen bilingv

Meditatii la Limba Engleza Rezultate excelente, experienta 3 ani. Ma axez pe exemple, explic gramatica cat mai simplificat posibil, detin materiale pentru clasele I-VIII. Ajut elevul sa inteleaga engleza din ce in ce mai bine dar si sa o vorbeasca, lucrul care prezinta cea mai mare dificultate. Detin materiale si…

Matematica clasele V-VIII

Meditatii la Matematica pentru clasele de gimnaziu. Rezultate excelente, experienta 3 ani. Nu incarc cu teorie, ma axez pe exemple si pasi in rezolvarea unei probleme. Inainte de examen veti invata cum sa identificati tipul de problema, sa urmati pasii spre o rezolvare corecta a acesteia, si sa obtineti note…

English For kids- Beginner level

This course is designed for Beginners level who are starting to learn English. Live online classes every week in small, child-friendly groups. The students will have fun learning English through songs, games, and reading activities. When the children are ready, they will begin writing activities too. The children will gain…

Beginner level German course

The Beginner A1 level German group online course is designed for primary age students from age 7-12 years old interested in learning German with having some prior knowledge of the German language. Students will learn the basic skills in listening and speaking and be equipped with the tools needed to…