Course Category: Languages

Showing 1-9 of 22 results

English for Beginner Level (6-7 years old)

This course will focus on the correct pronunciation of English, with a native teacher. The children will learn simple everyday vocabulary in different scenarios and understand basic conversation including greetings, and responses to basic questions. It will also include everyday adjectives, numbers up to 20, and colors. We will also…

Advanced English Conversation with common Expressions and Idioms

This course is designed for an adult (or teen-ager) with at least an intermediate ability to read, speak, and write in English. Content: This course presents the concept of idioms, their importance, and usage. Several idioms are contextually presented in each unit giving the student a clearer understanding of what it…

TOEFL Practice and Coaching

This course is designed for an adult with an advanced ability to read, speak, and write in English. Content: This course presents a complete TOEFL test which the student will take while being coached at every step. This will help prepare the student for taking an actual test, give them understanding…

English Accent Improvement

This course is designed for an adult (or teen-ager) with at least an intermediate ability to read, speak, and write in English. Content: This course explains and presents the English language from the perspective of the way words and sentences are expressed. The student will learn how to speak in such…

English Pronunciation Improvement—Understanding English Phonemes

This course is designed for an adult (or teen-ager) with at least a basic ability to read, speak, and write in English. Content: This course presents the English language from the perspective of the way specific sounds are expressed. There are many sounds in the English language that are only a…

Intermediate English Conversation with common Expressions and Idioms

This course is designed for an adult (or teen-ager) with at least an intermediate ability to read, speak, and write in English. Content: This course presents the concept of idioms, their importance, and usage. Several idioms are contextually presented in each unit giving the student a clearer understanding of what it…

Basic English Conversation with common Expressions and Idioms

This course is designed for an adult (or teen-ager) with at least a basic ability to read, speak, and write in English. Access to word processing software will be helpful but not required. This course must be done on a tablet or a full computer, it cannot be done on…

Intermediate Spanish course

Understand, react, and give their opinion on a wide range of matters related to their specialty, expanding and defending their ideas with complementary and relevant aspects. Make a review on various topics of interest, be it a movie, a book, a play, etc. Write, synthesize, and evaluate information from various…

Beginner level Spanish

Understand and use expressions that are very frequently used in everyday situations, as well as simple phrases designed to satisfy immediate needs. Introducing yourself and others, asking for and giving basic information about your address, your belongings, and the people you know. Basically relate to your interlocutor as long as…