Course Category: Languages

Showing 10-18 of 22 results

Pashto Language

This course is designed for beginner level students who want to learn Pashto from the basics. After the completion of this course, a student will able to understand and use familiar with everyday expressions as well as very simple statements that aim to meet concrete needs. Introduce yourself to someone and…

Greek Language

Basic knowledge: little previous knowledge Textbook: will be announced in the course Would you like to plan a vacation in Greece, but you don’t have enough language skills? Maybe get to know the culture a little beforehand? You are absolutely right here! Together we will learn the basics of the…

Romanian For Foreigners

In this A1 level course, you will learn Romanian in a small group or 1-1 online sessions with our highly experienced native teacher and practice speaking in everyday life situations. Objectives Our courses are based on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) At the end of the…

German language course

An interactive course based on online tests, vocabulary development, reading, writing, and grammar. The structure of the course is adapted according to the level of the knowledge of a student. 1-1 online/in-person session Small-group online sessions 2 sessions/week (1 hour each session) €16/hour

English for Kids – Intermediate level

Classes for children to learn more complex English language skills. (35 hours)   Approximately equivalent to National Curriculum UK English  Key Stage 1 The course will provide opportunities for children to develop: accurate pronunciation – aiming for an ‘English’ accent. comprehension through a range of reading materials and specifically designed…

English for Kids – Advanced level

Advanced classes for children to learn more complex English language skills.  These classes are designed for more fluent English speakers to work at a level akin to the UK National Curriculum Key Stage 2 in Literacy (English). To access this course, students need to be confident speakers of English and…

Limba engleza clasele I-VIII si examen bilingv

Meditatii la Limba Engleza Rezultate excelente, experienta 3 ani. Ma axez pe exemple, explic gramatica cat mai simplificat posibil, detin materiale pentru clasele I-VIII. Ajut elevul sa inteleaga engleza din ce in ce mai bine dar si sa o vorbeasca, lucrul care prezinta cea mai mare dificultate. Detin materiale si…

Matematica clasele V-VIII

Meditatii la Matematica pentru clasele de gimnaziu. Rezultate excelente, experienta 3 ani. Nu incarc cu teorie, ma axez pe exemple si pasi in rezolvarea unei probleme. Inainte de examen veti invata cum sa identificati tipul de problema, sa urmati pasii spre o rezolvare corecta a acesteia, si sa obtineti note…

Matematica clasele I-IV

Meditatii la Matematica pentru clasele I-IV. Rezultate excelente, experienta 3 ani. Nu incarc cu teorie, ma axez pe exemple si pasi in rezolvarea unei probleme. Inainte de examen veti invata cum sa identificati tipul de problema, sa urmati pasii spre o rezolvare corecta a acesteia, si sa obtineti note din…